
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

If you’re looking for Pizza Hut coupons, you’re in the wrong place. But if you’re looking for my first World Race blog post, you’re in the right place!!!!! Hey y’all and welcome to this crazy journey. I’m thrilled you’re even reading this right now. If you are, know how much you are appreciated and loved. I am so excited to FINALLY be sharing this news with you. I am leaving in August for the World Race! I’ve said that phrase out loud a million times and it still doesn’t seem real yet. But I’m really doing it. It’s really happening. I’m finally responding to the conviction the Lord has put on my heart for overseas missions, and I’m responding in a crazy way. I believe that as Christians, we should ALL either be goers or senders. So here I go. It’s going to be scary, stressful, chaotic, and tiring. But I also know it’s going to be amazing, affirming, life-giving, and full of Love. No, I’m not taking a traditional path, I’m not finishing college right now, I’m not getting married right now, I’m not choosing a career right now. Right now, I’m taking a leap of faith, I’m going to witness the work that the Lord is doing overseas, and I’m going to join Him in it. For so long, I’ve felt like I’m doing the wrong thing or I’m in the wrong place. I’ve second guessed myself, I’ve given up, and I’ve let sin shake my confidence in Jesus. “But of this I am convinced and confident, that He who has began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.” (Philippians 1:6) And I also know that when my feet step off of the first plane, I’ll feel the Spirit’s gentle nudge, “you’re in the right place.”

5 responses to “YOU’RE IN THE RIGHT PLACE.”

  1. I am so, so proud of you Caroline. Following God’s conviction is not always easy or easily understood by others. You have responded in obedience to Him. What more could a Mama want??!!

  2. You are, always have been, and will continue to do amazing things! Praying for this awesome opportunity for the rest of the world to meet you and for God’s kingdom to grow through your witness.

  3. Caroline! I know you don’t know me, but I am so excited for this journey to come for you, and all that the Lord has in store! My name is Samantha, and I am in month 11 of my race. I can tell you that you are right about the ups AND the downs. God uses it all and I pray that His peace would be poured out on you. And of all His lessons, He would continue to specifically show you that no matter the location (physically, spiritually, mentally, or emotionally), He is with you! Holding you always, as only a Father can.

  4. Caroline, I am so proud of you and I am praying God’s blessings for you as you take this giant step in following Him. I knew when you were a very young girl that you were very special and I’m proud that you have not lost your zeal as you have matured. I pray for your health and safety and that you will be used by God to minister to those you come in contact with!