
Explore My News,
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WE MADE IT TO GUATEMALA! Praise the Lord for short flights and smooth transitions. After spending 4 days on Adventures in Missions Guatemalan base, my team of 5 headed out.

We will spending the next 6 weeks in San Antonio, Guatemala doing ministry. We are living with an amazing host family who welcomed us in with the true gift of hospitality that can only come from Jesus. It is beautiful to watch Eddy and Erica serve us so selflessly. I am so thankful for this temporary home; for the cold showers, for the air mattresses, and for the Guatemalan meals around the table. San Antonio is a small town where people often run into friends and family. It is a final destination, there is no pass-through traffic. It’s perfect.

Now, for the main event. My team is 5 amazing women of God, plus our lovely squad leader Samantha. (FROM LEFT TO RIGHT) Abigail, from Virginia, is gentle and quirky. She pushes me to be curious about Jesus; to never stop exploring His character and His love. Katherine is from upstate New York. She is our team leader! She is the most humble person on this team. She leads with grace and elegance but isn’t afraid to be goofy. Her laughter is infectious. Our favorite Coloradan, Victoria, is strong, loyal, and is constantly discerning how the Holy Spirit is moving. She is competitive and fun. Ruthie is from Germany! She is so zealous for the Word. She speaks from the heart and loves fiercely. We also have the awesome privilege of having Samantha tag along with us while we’re here in Guatemala (not pictured). She pushes us to be wise but to trust the Lord above all else. She is intentional with her time and loves being in community with God’s people.

We chose the team name Chameleons for several reasons:

1. Chameleons change colors to adapt to their surroundings. Just as Paul in 1 Corinthians 9 explains that he becomes all things to all people so that he can save some, we aim to become like those around us while still shining our lights for all to see.

2. Chameleons have strong toes with powerful gripping abilities. As a team, we want to be grounded in the Word, and hold on tight to His truths. We want to cling to the Vine to ensure we weather whatever storm comes our way.

3. Chameleons have 360 degree vision. We desire to be aware of where the Lord is moving and working and join Him in it. We want always to be interruptible and eager to move to where He is moving.

We start ministry officially on Monday morning! We will be involved in a couple of incredible projects here and we are so excited to dive headfirst into this community and into the work God is doing in the hearts of the people of San Antonio. Please be in prayer for hearts that are ready to receive the gospel, for our abilities to speak Spanish, and for our health and safety. How can you be more like a chameleon in your life? I love each of you and Jesus does too!

Your sister in Christ,


21 responses to “MEET THE CHAMELEONS.”

  1. An update from Carol AND a science lesson?! I could not be more excited!! This is so well written and I know those chameleons are gonna take care of my girl but challenge her in the best way. Sending love from Jackson.

  2. I’m so glad you all made it safely to your destination in Guatemala! Praying that your ministry goes well and you all stay healthy and safe. God will give you the words to say, rely on Him and you’ll always be ahead of the game! Thanks for keeping us posted! Love and prayers for you all!

  3. People from upstate new York are the best right Caroline WINK WINK ? Miss you at work like crazy!

  4. So excited for you to dig into ministry on Monday! And so thankful you are staying with a host family. What an amazing experience that will be. Thanks for sharing about your team members. Praying for each one of you. I love you!!

  5. Thank you for update. Thankful you all made it to Guatemala. Will be praying for the ministry to begin Monday.

  6. Huge praise for safe travels! Your enthusiasm pours out from your words above! So excited for you all and those who are hungry for the word and will hear it.

  7. I can feel the overflowing joy in your words!! This team will do great things for God that will last for years! Praying

  8. Perfect stuff ,wow
    I definitely underestimated the name when first I heard. thanks for bringing me up to speed. I love that verse, “I have become all things to all men, that by all means and methods, I might save some. “Absolutely interruptible, unoffendable, and flexible/nimble. 360° eyesight that sees with the Holy Spirit is showing you and best of all, toes that hold fast to the word of God and with stand the hard things and hard relationships that we’re always walking into and that God is using to make us more like him. Love the name Caroline !
    Great blog

  9. Hey sweet girl, so good to see you and your team! Love the name and you all will be the brightest Chameleons eve! Will pray for you every day… love you????

  10. Woah, so happy to see you with your team!!! What a clever name. Good to hear from you and sending love and prayers from the hill !!! ??

  11. Caroline, been praying daily for you and your teams safety and looking forward to seeing and hearing more about your adventures. Love you!!

  12. Thanks for sharing all the details! Your team is a string force! I’m excited to see how these next six weeks unfold. I know you will shine bright for Jesus and make a last imprint for the Kingdom! I’m praying for you!

  13. I love this team!!! OMG. I miss you guys. Explaining your team name is such a sweet and good idea for a blog because your name is SO intentional just like all of the hearts on your team. Wow, you guys are going to have such a wonderful time together. Proud to grow alongside you! Godspeed to the beautiful chameleons!

  14. Wow. This team is full of powerhouses for the Gospel. I am so excited to see what the Lord will do in and through you all! So unique and different, but sharing our faith in common for all to see. They way you love each other will be a Jesus statement!
    Chameleons are my favorite animal. Their toes are my favorite, so cool!!!

  15. My girls!!! Love you and love this team! Kind of exciting looking back then and seeing now just how much the Lord has used and brought each of you through. Thank you for your daily yes, and pouring into this team and this community!

  16. Caroline, your way of relating your journey is so well written & descriptive that it makes me feel like I’m there with you! I know God is going to use you beautiful chameleons as His disciples to spread His word through your actions & love. I’m continuing to pray for you & your fellow chameleons on your wonderful, exciting journey.