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Thoughts & Inspiration


You’re OVER HALFWAY through the World Race. You made it to Turkey! And it’s absolutely breathtaking! So much has happened in the past 7 months. Here’s some advice I wish you knew:

  1. Be prepared to wear dirty socks. Laundry is VERY inconsistent and you never know when you might get the blessing of wearing clean socks.
  2. Get ready to go deep; with friends, with strangers, with the Lord, and with yourself. Don’t be content staying on the surface.
  3. Honor the Sabbath and keep it holy.
  4. Don’t make assumptions about anything! Don’t assume someone is closed off to hearing the Gospel, don’t assume there will be toilet paper in the bathroom, don’t assume anyone speaks English or will be on time.
  5. Remember that you’re an introvert! When you find yourself getting short-tempered or burned out, take time to be alone.
  6. Learn to tell other people what you need. They aren’t mind-readers.
  7. Be thankful for community. It’s going to get crowded and overwhelming, but you’ll never do life in this close of a community ever again.
  8. The only way to survive is to live out of the overflow of how you’re pursuing God and your sanctification. You’ll never make it relying on your own strength.
  9. STAY PRESENT. Even when your beautiful niece is born and you miss your family like crazy, remember that time is fleeting. Don’t wish it away.
  10. When the lights go out in the bathroom, don’t ask the family upstairs to replace them. Just learn to adapt and be thankful for the dark bathroom.
  11. Pray always. It’s not about results, it’s about relationship.
  12. When it comes to sharing your faith, know how to play defense, but never get defensive.
  13. Invite people into your heart and your head. Even though you’d rather do it alone, your invitation is powerful, so invite your community into whatever you’re working through, EVEN if it’s unfinished or inarticulate.
  14. Spend money on experiences, not on things. Say yes to the hammam in Albania. Say no to that green hoodie in Romania.
  15. Don’t create boxes. Don’t create boxes for your squamates based on their enneagram number, don’t create a box around ministry and what you think it’s supposed to look like, don’t box yourself in and assume you can’t do something, and definitely don’t put God in a box. With Him, all things are possible.
  16. You’re going to see miracles! You’re going to pray big prayers and they’re going to happen! You’re going to get a little more charismatic than you are now! Lean in, test EVERYTHING with scripture, and keep surrendering more of yourself everyday.
  17. Keep challenging yourself to travel as light as possible. It’s difficult but oh so worth it.
  18. Enjoy the chicken bus in Guatemala; you’re going to miss it when you get to Europe.
  19. Get used to telling people you’re from Miami. It’s the closest place to South Carolina that anyone overseas knows about.
  20. Be quick to say yes. It will make you bolder, wiser, more experienced, and more humble. By saying yes, you might just find yourself on the top of a volcano, making life-long friends, leading a team of women, riding on the back of a motorcycle, and eating crickets.

Strap in Carol, it’s about to get wild. You’d be so proud if you could see me now! Praise God for how He is about to work in your life.

Yours truly,

7 months older Caroline

13 responses to “DEAR YOUNGER ME.”

  1. Oh Caroline, how much joy I see in your face! Oh, the spirit I hear in your words. May God continue to guide you, lead you, protect you, bless you and open doors to share the Gospel! We love you here in Miami!

  2. Oh, my goodness, Caroline! The wisdom flowing from you is pure Power from His Spirit!!! I’m praising Father for every challenge, every surprise, every blessing He’s lavishing on you! And I thought you were an old soul before you left!!! I can’t wait to see what else He’s going to do! 💖

  3. How beautiful and how true for all of us no matter where we are in life! Thanks for sharing all that you are living and learning!

  4. Reading about your journey is always incredible and continues to be an encouragement to me in my own “faith walk.” Continued prayers as you continue to minister to so many (both in person and from afar).

  5. Thankful for your willingness to go out into this world to spread the word, love and hope. You are 7 months older, but much more than 7 months wiser. I can’t imagine what all you have learned and experienced in this time. We are so proud of you and your team. Continued prayers for y’all and your families. ❤️

  6. Writing a letter to your younger self is such a beautiful idea! May need to take that from you. Also blessed that I’m one of the ones you have opened your heart to (: I truly love knowing you.

  7. Caroline, we love you and we are so proud of you. Hope you are enjoying your time. Miss you bunches.

  8. I’m hoping you are having an amazing time . I know God is using you. I’m sure you have been blessed and have been such a blessing to others. May God continue to provide safety and provision for you and your team.

  9. Caroline! I am so encouraged by your journey! Praise God! He is so big and I’m so thankful you get to experience Him in this way! Can’t wait to hear more and see how God has blessed you! <3

  10. Dear Sweet Caroline ~
    Did we all know what an amazing young lady you are ~ yes we did!! What an awesome journey you and God have been on for the past seven months! Your life and the lives of countless others have been forever changed. No one will actually know the extent of those changes until eternity. I was so excited to see your smiling face and the pure joy radiating from you and your friends. God bless you as you continue to travel this amazing road that God chose for you. Much love to you and your team.

  11. What treasured memories you are making! Continue pressing into Him and He will continue to grow you and guide you! So so proud of you! Love you!

  12. Caroline, You are such an inspiring and gracious young woman. This mission you have taken on in such a faithful way inspires others to step out and spread the love of Christ to others!!! Keeping you and your team in my prayers! Love you❤️

  13. Sweet Caroline! This was such a JOY to read. I find myself laughing out loud in a cutie coffee shop across Turkey and reminiscing on those memories you mentioned! A few things I love: sabbath!! those experiences!! no more assumptions!! saying yes. WOW. We have come so far. You are a gift to our squad and its a blessing to do life with you. Thanks for being a co-laborer out here. Love you, sister.