Long time no blog!! Hi everybody! Welcome back to the blog. If you’re reading this, you’re so loved and I’m thrilled you’re here.
If you didn’t know, my husband and I are currently mentoring a 4 month World Race squad that launched from the States in January. Banks and I have been in Africa now for three weeks and still have about a week left on this beautiful continent. Last year, when we were engaged long-distance, Banks lived in South Africa for about three months. But this is my first time here and I have been blown away! We spent our first week in the country of Eswatini meeting up with our squad of 17 and two gap year squads. Altogether we totaled about 100 people. We all stayed at a hostel and had several days of revival. On the World Race, when multiple squads meet up like this in the same place, we call it ‘Awakening’ and we invite staff to be a part of stirring the squads and spurring them on to run the rest of their races well. Banks and I both had the privilege of teaching twice during the Awakening week. It has been such a blessing to watch each other do ministry and operate in the gifts the Holy Spirit has given us. Aside from spending time in the presence of the Lord, watching my husband exhort and sharpen young people to fan the flame of their faith is my favorite thing! At the end of the week, multiple world racers shared testimonies of what the Lord had done in their hearts during Awakening, and it was clear that the Lord used Banks and I as vessels to further His kingdom among them. After my teaching on forgiveness, several racers reached out to family members they haven’t talked to in years and pursued reconciliation for the first time. And after Banks’ talk on deliverance, people were set free from anxiety, lies, and false identities that they had built their lives upon. It was so powerful to see these squads come together and lift high the name that is above all names. Thank you Jesus for freedom!
We are now living in the country of South Africa in a beautiful surf town called Jeffrey’s Bay. We led our squad in a debrief of the previous country and walked them through processing all that the Lord did. It was such a special few days of raising Ebeneezers and spending one on one time with our racers.
In Jeffrey’s Bay, our squad is split into two teams, both are ministering to kids. One team is at an orphanage caring for the children and helping those who run the orphanage with anything they need to lift their arms. The other team is working at an afterschool program for older kids that uses music to introduce them to the gospel.
The community that we are living in right now is unlike any I have ever experienced around the world. There is an incredible hub in Jeffrey’s Bay of Christians and missionaries from all over the world, through an organization called Global Challenge. Banks and I have had the privilege of sitting down with multiple missionaries, breaking bread with them, asking probably too many questions, and gleaning from the wisdom they have been given from the Lord after a lifetime of ministry.
Banks and I are starting to pray and seek His face about what is next and what He has for us in the future. This season of discipleship, teaching, and working as one to bring the Kingdom here on Earth is what we want to do forever! Please join us in praying for discernment and wisdom to pursue Him above all else, listen clearly to hear His voice, and be obedient even if it’s radical.
Banks and I are still underfunded for this trip and ask that you consider giving to support us and the work we’re doing with the World Race. This program truly changed our lives and it’s been a blessing to be a part of changing the lives of others, all for His glory. If you believe in us, and in the ministry of the Great Commission, please prayerfully consider joining in on this amazing work our God is doing in Africa.
More to come!!
Your sister in Christ Jesus,
Praying for you and your team! God bless you for obeying His call!
What a sweet surprise to see your blog & have a glimpse of what is going on there! My favorite thing you shared is how you love to watch Banks using the gifts God has given him. What a beautiful way to love your husband Caroline, by encouraging him & supporting him in the way God wants to use him.
And what a blessing that y’all have been able to spend time with life long missionaries who can pour into you. Oh the goodness of God!
I love & miss you both!
How wonderful! May our Father guide, provide and protect all who are involved. Thank you for sharing our Jesus with others!
So incredibly proud of the amazing work you and Banks are doing!! Love and miss you two 💜 Thank you for sharing your journey!!